What a great weekend we had!
Friday night we went out for dinner with two couples we've been friends with for years. It was especially nice because we hadn't seen the one couple since we left our previous church. Isn't it just awful what church politics can do? We went to a local place that used to be a private dinner club, but is still small and intimate and serves a better quality of food that most places. We lingered for 3 hours catching up and oh my, did we ever laugh. I have missed these people in my life more than I realized.
Megan had first aid/CPR training all day Saturday and Tim worked, of course. I spent the day cleaning up the house and getting things ready for a visit from our son and his family. We went to church at 5:00, but didn't stay for the dinner afterward (there is dinner afterward every week...it's a Filippino tradition). The regional director came and did the installation ceremony for our church's first ever council and then preached a sermon on leadership. He's a good speaker and I always enjoy listening to him. He had a lot of good points and as part of the council, I took a lot of what he was saying to heart.
Matt and his family got here around 8:00 so Tim and I had time to stop on the way home from church for Chinese. Matt, Ashlei and Megan went out around 10:00 for wings and then midnight bowling. I got to babysit our granddaughter! Tim went to bed with a migraine. He used to have them a lot, but it had been a while. I hope he isn't going to start up with them again. Sora and I had a good time....at least until I had to put her to bed. Things got a little ugly then. She suddenly realized Mommy and Daddy weren't there and became hysterical. Then she wanted a drink, some food, the dog, a story, and basically anything she thought would get her out of going to bed. She learned her grandma is a tough cookie that knows all the tricks. Anyway, it took about an hour for her to finally calm down and fall asleep.
Sunday we went for brunch at Brady's in Acme. My mom and her husband met us there. We like it because the food is pretty good (homestyle) and the prices are reasonable. There is also the duck pond out back. You can watch the ducks while you eat and then go out back to feed them afterward. Sora had a ball!
From lunch we drove to
Ohiopyle since it was such a beautiful day....tied the record high temperature of 82 degrees and it was even sunny (unlike today which is warm but grey, grey, grey). The kids hadn't been there before and it had been years for Tim and I except for driving through on the way to church camp when the kids were little. Sora LOVED the water and everyone else seemed to have a good time.
Back at home everyone but Sora and I pooped out and took naps. I could have gone for one but someone had to stay awake and watch Sora. It worked out okay, though. I got to spend another three hours alone with her and she called me Nanny for the first time! Of course, I made her say it over and over again until she went home.
A little shy with the ducks at first.
Got over that pretty quick and started telling Daddy, "I want a duck."
Looking at the river from one of the observation decks.
It's not Niagara Falls, but you won't get me to take a raft down this river.
Another pretty view.
Me and my baby boy.
Ashlei, Matt and Megan.
Tim and I.
Pappy giving Sora a ride up to the bridge on the walking/bike trail that crosses the river.
That's the highway we drove in on behind them.
Matt, Ashlei, and Megan checking things out under the bridge.
Looking down the river from the foot bridge.
Sora and I on the foot bridge. We always seem to be bringing up the rear
on these adventures, but we stop to look at all the little things on the way.
An old-fashioned game of checkers in the visitors' center.
Ice cream break!
Climbing a tree. |
You look so happy and young, I never would know you're a gramma!
Sora is darling and I'm so glad that you and your family are enjoying each other and you're having so much fun. You absolutely deserve it after all the previous cr@p you went through with the kids...I love seeing all the gorgeous photos, Stacy!
Ellen...thank you, just never catch me when the L'Oreal is due for a touch up. LOL
Wendy...Thanks, we think she's something. :) It is soooo nice to all be getting along. It's been a long time coming. Now if only Megan would move past the stage of thinking I'm an idiot. ;P
Thanks you for sharing the pictures. I loved looking at them. You have such a cute granddaughter.
Great pictures.
I love ice cream breaks.
Looks like a great weekend :))
I am s glad that you had a good time. I am doubly glad that you took pictures to share!
Great pictures and it looks like y'all had a fabulous time! I LOVE days like that!
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