Another week has come and gone, but it was such an important week....it was the last week of the school year. I AM OFFICIALLY FREE FOR THE SUMMER! Let the games begin. Well, let them begin tomorrow. For the rest of today I am in self-imposed "veg-mode."
The kids on the bus surprised me. I got flowers and gift certificates and candles and body lotions and wind chimes and sweet cards. I even got a gift from my least favorite family of kids (they're so bad they've been suspended from the bus repeatedly and nearly as much from school). Their mom made us pose together for a picture and they had to apologize for their behavior and before they got off the bus at the school they wanted big hugs. I'm not sure, but that may be a sign of the Apocalypse.
I'm kicking off the summer with a couple of my favorite activities....a community-wide yard sale tomorrow morning with a friend and Sunday Tim and I are going to check out an estate auction. (I totally "heart" other people's junk.)
Tim's building (the one that got flooded on Memorial Day when I nagged him to take off work)? Yeah, it didn't pass inspection on Wednesday. He has until the 21st to get it pulled back together. The cleaning person is denying that he left the water on (of course) so the company Tim works for isn't going to fight for the insurance money unless it's more than $25K....less than that and fighting it would cost more. Surprisingly, my Type A personality husband is taking it pretty well. Though he says when he gets this building and the other one he's working on turned over later this month he's taking vacation time. He still has this past year's two weeks and after July 1 he'll be into the next year.
My sunburn is finally healing. I could actually lay down and sleep last night without pain. That was nice. Now I'm starting to flake. Not peel. Flake. Ick.
With this week's runaround, stressed out lifestyle the whole diet thing has kind of fallen by the wayside. Now that summer is here, it's back on track with a vengeance. Time to start kicking my butt, please?
If you haven't noticed, I started a reading blog. I haven't posted any real stuff, yet, but I've been collecting some great ideas from you. I'm going to be kicking off with the 30 Day Book Challenge on either Sunday or Monday. If you haven't checked it out yet, I hope you will and like it enough to jump in and participate. I'm really hoping to create a community there so I'm open to your comments and ideas.
Well, I'm off to my veg-time since I'm falling asleep and in real danger of waking up with a keyboard imprinted on my face.
Happy Friday!
Welcome Summer!
Kicking your butt.
I ran for 25 minutes today...what have you done?
Happy Summer, Stacy! :)
I'm tired. Couldn't remember what I meant to say so I had to go back and reread. I know ... go to bed! We aren't allowed to carry more than 40 hours of vacation from one year to the next. We roll July 1 too. This is the first year I have any left and it's only 20 hours. Trying to save every possible minute since my family is emergency prone and I plan a REAL vacation in OCTOBER!!!!!
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