November 26, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 26

Today I am thankful for what is, unfortunately, a rare treat these days....(good) time spent with my daughter.  Megan and Cody pulled in at the house last night just before Tim and I did.  Tim headed off to bed immediately since he had to work today.  Meg and Cody helped me finish the tree....those long legs of Cody's come in handy....and we stayed up talking, decorating, eating, and playing with the guinea pig until after 1:00.  Soooo nice.

Megan and I are going shopping for a little bit this morning and then she'll be around today until she and Cody go out tonight.  All this time is a sweet treat.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

What a blessing!

Marti said...

Time with family is so precious. Enjoy every minute.


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