November 07, 2011

Monday Morning Musings

Good morning!  I hope you had a wonderful weekend.  Ours was excellent!

Friday night we drove 2 hours away to have dinner with the people from my Spiritual Formation class.  The instructor is also a pastor and he'd arranged to have the ladies of his church prepare a lovely spaghetti dinner for us in the church's coffee house.  It was such a beautiful setting with candlelight and fall decorations.  I enjoyed getting to meet everyone face to face (the class meets via skype from 4 locations) and we had a lot of fun getting to know one another.  Our teacher surprised us all with a framed print of a reading someone had shared at his ordination and our choice from several books.  It was a late night for Tim and I, but I'm so glad we went.

Saturday started off feeling like a replay of the week before.  My mom and I were on the road by 7:30 and headed for my cousin's bridal shower.  We went east on the turnpike to the same exit Beth and I used to go to the Relevant Conference.  The shower was a surprise and I found out that by going to the conference last week, I had inadvertently thrown my cousin off the trail.  When she saw on Facebook that I was in Harrisburg, she was sure I was there for her shower.  Anyway, the shower was a nice time and Mom and I got along for the whole 4-hour drive down and the whole 4-hour drive back.  Praise God for that!

Yesterday was sort of a hang out at home day, though I did get to meet a friend for lunch.  We graduated together, but weren't friends until connecting on Facebook (I am a HUGE fan of Facebook).  I had sent her lots of texts from Relevant and also kept updated posts on FB.  I had picked up some of Sally Clarkson's homeschooling books for her and she asked me for Anne Voskamp's book and I threw in some other stuff I thought she'd enjoy, so we were meeting up for me to give it to her.  Three hours later and we'd eaten our fill, caught up on the news and solved the world's problems.  Gosh, it was so much fun!

Last night we went to an old-time gospel hymn sing and pie social at a little church up on the ridge.  Oh, my gosh did I enjoy that.  We sang contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns, but I have to say my favorite part of the night was when we sang some of the old Sunday school songs.  It's been ages since I've sung any of them and some I'd totally forgotten about.  What a shame.  There is such a joyful innocence to them....we adults should sing them more often.  Maybe we'd do a little better about coming to Him like little children?  To start your Monday off right, I'm going to leave you with my favorite from last night.

May your Monday be a blessing that sets the tone for the week!


Ellen aka Ellie said...

I had a good weekend too, but it was because I stayed home for most of it. Now I'm into my two longest weeks of the year (so far), I miss my bed/couch/treadmill/books AND Brad already!

Glad you have a lighter week,

Stacy said...

I'm glad you got to relax this weekend. Take deep'll make it through this "crunch" time. You're tougher than you look and I'm praying for you. :)


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