December 22, 2011

A Final Hat & A Prayer Request

Today's hat is the final hat.  I work tomorrow, but I also have to go to the company Christmas party in the evening....and there isn't enough time to fix "hat-head."  Today's gem is my favorite.  It's a new one.  Notice the little white button on the side.  Push it and the hat comes to life.  The top stands straight up and then swings back and forth to the hat singing (in an elf voice) Jingle Bells and cracking jokes.

Please pray for my son.  He's been suffering with a kidney stone for over a month.  A couple of weeks ago he ended up hospitalized because of a massive infection....and had a bad reaction to the antibiotics they gave him.  They put a stint in then.  This Tuesday they finally went in and broke up the stone with a laser, removed the original stint and put in a smaller one.  He ended up going back to the ER yesterday afternoon and being admitted.  The last we had heard the thinking was that he was having another reaction to antibiotics, but they were doing a sonogram late last night to look at his kidney.  The symptoms are scary:  high fever, vomitting, swelling, chest pains....  His wife is beside herself and convinced the doctors are all idiots and his kidney is failing.  We could use prayers for healing and also for calm and clarity.  It would be wonderful to see him out of pain for Christmas.


Ellen aka Ellie said...

I have been wondering about Matt, and so, yes, of course I will pray some more!

"Dear Heavenly Father, please guide the doctors' hearts and minds as they treat Matt. May his symptoms lead them to a clear answer and may they know how to aid him, may You cure him. Will You also allow his wife and his family to feel Your grip--to know they are held?
Your will. Amen."

Stacy said...

Thank you. :)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Keeping your son in my prayers.


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