This week's prompt: flexible
If you are talking about flexibility as the ability to adapt to change, hey, I am all up on that! When you live in a household where everyone has varying degrees of Attention Deficit Disorder you absotively, posilutely have to be able to go with the flow. If you don't, you will snap and rigidly trying to stick with anything is nothing more than an exercise in frustration. I'm not saying that I don't try to hold on to something once in a while, but for the most part I just go with the flow, roll down the windows, and enjoy the ride.
On the other hand, if you're talking about physical flexibility, eh....not so much. The older I get, the more I sound like a bowl of breakfast cereal as I crawl out of bed in the morning. I bought one of those "As Seen on TV" Fluidity Bars last year. It looked to be a fairly gentle form of exercise with lots of stretching, but that was misleading. I was grunting and sweating like an Olympic weightlifter by the halfway mark of the workout routine. Fluid, I am not.
Just for kicks, here are some pictures of yesterday's snow.....
And then there's this picture of our Beagle/Basset mix (hey, we got a little bored).....
I have discovered as I have aged that flexibility in the home front is a requirement for a happy life!
Love the pictures of the snow... too bad that when it snows it is so dang cold and hard to drive!
Thanks for pondering with me
I have discovered aquafit as well as sit and be fit for stretching out making aching bones and muscles. Both are low impact. They really work. My knee is 90% better and I can dance again.
Love the pictures - - to look at :) And I'm with you - - I'm pretty flexible as far as going with the flow. But the body just isn't the same as it was a few years ago :)
That was some mighty pretty snow.
anyone who visits my blog regularly knows I am a big fan of Stretching. I do it when I am watching TV normally. Thus, I am actually still quite flexible. But really, that is as much about survival as the "adaptable" meaning of the word. When you've got 3 young kids -- you just have to be somewhat mobile to keep up with them!
Your winter wonderland backyard looks exactly like mine!! (well minus all the discarded sleds, shovels, snowman accessories, 1 lost mitten and I think I am saw a bike buried in ours. LOL)
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