November 15, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 15

Today, I am thankful for:

My buddies.
Faithful companions.
Cheerful greeters and always
glad to see you-ers.
Unconditional love givers.
Stress relievers.
Receivers of tears and secrets.
Guardians of the home.
Cuddlers extrordinaire.


Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

So cute. I miss having a dog :-( Hoping one day when the kids get bigger we can get one.

Stacy said...

I would be a lost soul without my boys.

Prairiemaid said...


Always love when you come by for a visit, my sister in HIM!

You confidants look pretty special! Funny, how God can use them to minister to us humans! I think they hear HIM better than we do, sometimes. LOL

Blessings & hugs,

AiringMyLaundry said...

Aw, how sweet!

Stacy said...

Cheryl...can't tell you how thrilled I was to recently learn that our pets really will be in heaven...and not doggy or kitty heaven, but our heaven. Yea!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Each time I think of getting a dog, I think having to walk it right about this time of day. Brrr...

But we are thinking about it for one day.

Touching post!


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