November 09, 2011

30 Days of Thankfulness - Day 9

Where to start??  So many things, but today I think I will just go with the beautiful sunny weather.  Most unusual in November, but making it easier to take coming down with the first cold of the season.


Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Hope you get over it quickly. Don't be a dumb butt like me and let it turn into a sinus infection.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Enjoy that sunshine and kick the cold to the curb!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

Last night it rained so much worms were washed out on our driveway. I walked out to get the recycling bins and apologized to them for having to run them over them when I backed my car out...for someone who composts, worms are precious.

Seemed more like a spring day than a November day until about 10:30, then, WHAM, cold front. Brrrrr.


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