It's time for Pondering with a Purpose again, that Thursday event where Brenda throws us a prompt and we proceed to ponder on it.
This week's prompt is: Wander
If you had the chance to wander anywhere you wanted... where would it be?
Let's just say that you had 24 hours to be anywhere ... and had no other obligations or responsibilities ... where would you like to wander?
I'm hoping that 24 hours doesn't include travel time or I'm not going to get to see anything when I get where I'm going. Though....sometimes the wandering, meandering, side-road way of getting from here to there is just as much fun as the destination. For instance, I have a dream of one day driving across the country on Rt. 30...I'm not planning on going anywhere in particular when I get to the end. I just want to drive all the way and stop at whatever catches my eye, be it the world's biggest ball of string or statues of Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox, Babe. Oh, and I want to visit some of my blogging friends who don't live too far off the route.
But, I digress....
One day. One whole day to wander anywhere I want. Hmmmm.....
I think I'd have to say my first choice (unless you think Toby Keith would be okay with me popping in at his place) would be the Middle East...Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, along with Italy and Greece. History fascinates me. I am in awe of historical things here in the U.S. and they are only 200-300 years old. Can you imagine being in those places? In the cradle of civilization? Walking the same streets that Jesus and his disciples trod? Or standing in the Coliseum and imagining the roar of the crowd? Standing at the base of a pyramid and wondering what the Pharoh's thought when they gazed up at them? I get goosebumps just thinking about such ancientness! So, anywhere over there would do.
My second choice? I love treasure hunting, junking, picking, or whatever you want to call it. I come from a long line of people who do. My grandfather was a picker before it had a name or anyone thought it was cool. With that as my roots, I really want to go to one of those world-class flea markets you see featured in the decorating magazines someday. And if I can't do that there is this yard sale thing in the South. It's in the fall, but it's always during the week so I can't take off, but it's something like 400 miles of yard sales all along one highway and then when you come to the towns there are flea markets. I drool at the thought!
And choice three? Find me the biggest book store in the world (old and new, please) and drop me in the middle of it.
I think going to the yard sale would be pretty cool. Bookstore I love them. My husband hates going with me to one. It take me so long to look at the book LOL.
I hear you on the books. You should have seen my husband's face the day I talked him into stopping at a sale and it turned out to be nearly all books. They had tarps laid out all over their yard and books lying on them so you could walk between them. It was about 100 degrees and I had to see them ALL! LOL
I don't even need a bookstore just put me into a library. I think that is why I love to read because I imagine being in the plots.
Toby lives near me so I'll point you in his direction.
That was a fabulous post.
If you drop in on Toby can I join you? I love this post and what you did with the prompt.
Thanks for pondering with me!
Sorry, can't help you with Toby.....but I'd certainly wander the ancients and the antiques with you forever.
that would be truly to amazing....to wander dusty paths that were trod many, many moons ago.
wonderful post!
Retired....I know what you mean. I've been reading novels since I was about 8 or 9, adult ones since I was 11 or 12. We always lived in remote areas when until I was a teen and I would get lost in books. :)
Miss Stewart....I love to hunt and pick, but I don't actually bring much home these days. It has to be a real treasure or something I really need. In the months leading up to our wedding I totally set up our house with things from flea markets, yard sales, hand-me-downs, and auctions. Totally. There was nothing new in our first house.
Tracy...I am counting on it! LOL
Wayne...Thank you. :)
Brenda...Sure! We can keep each other company in jail. ;) And thank you for the kind words.
Rorybore...You're a kindred spirit! :)
I'd have a rough time choosing between Israel and New Zealand. I so want to go to BOTH!
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