1. So, when did you last take a walk in the woods? A stroll along the beach? A drive going nowhere in particular in the car?
~ It's been far too long since I've taken any walk. All the trouble with my foot and ankle (2 bone spurs, chronic tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, arthritis, and some bony bits floating around inside the ankle joint) keep me from walking far. A trip through Walmart pretty much guarantees that I will end up popping Advil with my foot propped up and an ice pack on it. I miss taking walks. I grew up in a family that used to take walks for entertainment every single day. I did the same with my kids when they were growing up. They could walk a couple of miles without being carried when they were 2 or 3.
2. Are you sending Christmas cards this year? About how many do you send? Photo card or something more traditional? How do you display the cards you receive?
~ Yes, I'm sending cards. I'm down to maybe 30-35 that I send out and even that is more than we receive. It seems that every year we get fewer and fewer. People would rather send a text or a message on Facebook. I've never done photo cards. I like cards that depict an old-fashioned, preferably country (farm) scene and a greeting that addresses the true reason for the season. I nearly always buy the brand of cards sold at the local country decorating store because they are beautiful on the inside, too, and the envelopes are decorated. I used to hang them somewhere, but with so few coming these days I thought it looked pathetic so I just stack them somewhere handy for people to look at.
3. What's a word you've heard too much of in the past week?
~ Cody. That's my daughter's boyfriend's name. He's a nice kid and a I like him, but right now dear daughter is, uh, hyper-focused on Christmas shopping for him and I swear if I hear one more thing about what she is getting, wants to get and why....I will run screaming off into the night.
4. December 13th is National Cocoa Day-are you a fan? Plain or flavored? Marshmallows or no marshmallows?
~ Usually plain with marshmallows, but I will make one exception....Hot Chocolate Eggnog. It is to die for!
- 1 qt eggnog
- 2 cups milk
- 12 cup chocolate syrup
- 1 cup bourbon
- 14 tsp ground nutmeg
- miniature marshmallows
- Heat first 3 ingredients in a large saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, and stir in bourbon. Stir in nutmeg. Pour mixture evenly into 8 mugs. Top with marshmallows, and serve immediately.
- *1 cup milk and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract may be substituted for bourbon.
5. What is something you do to help alleviate the hectic pace of the Christmas season?
~ In the car I like to crank up the Christmas tunes and sing along. At home I watch Christmas movies (I'm an addict and have a huge collection).
6. Besides jewelry, what's a favorite sparkly-glittery item in your home or closet?
~ I have a dressy blue top that is sparkly and black dress slacks with a very fine sparkle to them that I love. It's one of those outfits that makes you feel bulletproof.
7. Share a favorite line or two from any Christmas carol.
~ It isn't technically a "carol", but my favorite Christmas song is I Celebrate the Day by Relient K. It gives me goosebumps...
- The first time that you opened your eyes, did you know that you would be my Savior? The first breath that left your lips, did you know that it would change this world forever?
- I celebrate the day that you were born to die so that I could one day pray for you to save my life.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Okay, the hot chocolate eggnog is on my list to make this weekend! Yum!
I picked a song that isn't a traditional carol, but technically a spiritual/religious song to be played before Christmas is a carol, so I think we're both ok on #7.
And I am like you on the selection of Christmas cards. I like the old-fashioned scenes with a greeting that conveys the reason for the season. I just finished my cards this morning, and DH is going to drop them off at the Post Office this afternoon.
Ahh...daughters and boyfriends. That combination will drive any mother crazy! Been there, done that...time and time, again! :)
Oh my-I am going to have to try that eggnogg! Daughters and boyfriends. Now I know how my mom felt when I started dating my hubs : )
I'm definitely joining the group that plans to try that eggnog hot chocolate. Sound so good!
I hadn't thought about sparkly blouses. I could have mentioned the blouse I wore when I got married. (When my husband reads my blog, he'll probably comment about that.)
Wow, sorry to hear about your ankle problems. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't get out on my walks.
I love listening to Christmas music, even on my ipod as I'm drifting off to sleep.
lol on your Cody word!
I love sending out Christmas cards. All of our family lives somewhere else and friends too. We do get less each year :( I haven't had Hot Chocolate Eggnog, sounds awesome! Thanks for the recipe.
To everyone who said they're going to try the chocolate eggnog...you won't be sorry. :D
Kathy and Debby...I miss the whole Christmas card tradition. They were so pretty and it was nice to hear what everyone was up to, but I guess with things like Facebook to help us connect with long unseen friends and relatives we don't really need to write those annual Christmas letters any longer.
April...True that! This is only Megan's second boyfriend and to hear her tell it, her final one. Maybe so since she is 20.
Joyce...Thanks to my daughter I think I understand how my poor mom felt about a lot of things. LOL
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