I am such a cheater. I pulled most of the weeds from the mulched area by the back deck. I moved some flowers and fixed up a few things. I'll probably finish the weeding, but maybe not. I'm going to need mulch and of all the garden jobs there are, shoveling mulch is my least favorite.
I've offered to pay Megan and Cody to get up, finish the weeding, and go get the mulch and spread it. Tim said to add spreading out the dirt (left over from installing my fish pond) in various low spots in the yard and that he'd give me the truck tomorrow to pick up the mulch...so they don't even have to do it all today...and tell them we'd give them $200.
I'm sure it would cost me that much or more to pay someone else to do the work, but can I just say that it really kind of irritates me that I have to pay my kid to do any work around here. I know I'm showing my age and turning into an old fart when I say this, but..... Back when I was a kid you were expected to help out around home. If you still lived there in your 20's you still helped out. (For the record, I do expect it...I'm just terribly disappointed.) I think it says a lot about the generation coming up that they expect to live at home for free for as long as they want and not have to lift a finger. L-A-Z-Y!
Oh, and Megan says they'll do it. Cody doesn't know anything about it. Neither has budged from bed (separate ones) and it's nearly noon.
I see where you are coming from. I lived with my parents until I was 22. I did things around the house and did not get paid. I still lived there and that was part of it.
Did you tell them when or did you leave it open ended?
I didn't set a specific time, but they knew I expected it all done but the mulch today. They did get around to it before leaving to swim at Cody's, but I think Tim will probably make them move more dirt...not that they didn't do it, but that he's just going to want more fill to blend it out into the yard.
When I was a kid if we didn't pitch we weren't invited to the dinner table. That pretty much insured our willing cooperation.
They eat out most of the time. That's why they're always broke.
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