May 11, 2012

Fraggin' Around

Mommy's IdeaIt's Friday, so that means it's time for another installment of Fragments with Mrs. 4444 of Half-Past Kissin' Time (click the button to the left).  Friday Fragments is where we clean the blogging house, so to speak.  We gather up all the bits and pieces that just don't fit anywhere else or are too small to stand alone and share them in one post.  It's a great way to catch up with your favorite bloggers or to find new friends.  Come on and join in the fun!

No work for me today.  The school district I drive for is closed for teachers' meetings and's prom day. Most of the other districts around are having their proms tonight, too, and had been scheduled to be off, but they are making up the snow day from that surprise snow storm back at the end of April.  My district isn't making the kids make it of the Act 80 days the teachers serve after the last day will count.

So, what am I doing with my day off?  Not a whole lot.  I slept in a little bit (but I had to stay up later to do it). Sometimes I wish I could just collapse into bed and sleep 10 hours like I used to, but my body seems to think 6 hours is plenty no matter how sleepy I may get during the day.  Getting back to my day...I've got a load of laundry going and I've been catching up on reading all my favorite blogs as well as writing a couple posts of my own.  I'm set up at the kitchen island so I have a nice view of the backyard.  I'm enjoying the sunlight that is streaming in (it's been rainy and gray for days) and getting a kick out of watching Mama and Papa Robin fly in and out of the roof of the shady nook with "yummy" worms for their growing family.

My grandmother had a lovely covered spot in her backyard that was nearly obscured by trees, shrubs and flowers.  She called it her "shady nook."  It was the most wonderful place to sit on a summer and inviting.  We built this a few years ago with Nana's spot in mind.  It's changed a bit.  The propane tank is gone and a fish pond is in.  My beloved poodle is also buried now under the rock in the flower bed where all the orange daisy-like flowers grow.  This year we plan to plant hostas around the edges of the shady nook.  By the way, all the coolers are because we'd just had a party when this was taken.  Our daughter's graduation, I think.

This afternoon I am picking up my pastor, who is also a dear friend, and we are heading to our church camp down in Markleysburg.  The camp straddles the Pennsylvania-Maryland border.  The regional conference sessions are today.  They are actually underway now, but my friend has to put in a full day in her pediatrics practice first.  It would have been nice to be there all day to cast my votes in the business sessions, but what can you do?  Her husband had to be there this morning to provide the worship music and she doesn't drive long distances.  Oh well, I am sure I'll get over missing the business sessions....they are mind-numbing most of the time, anyway.

Tomorrow my mom and I are going to a mother/daughter luncheon and a restaurant in the mountains.  Mom agreed to go, but I don't think she has a notion of what's coming.  The women of our fellowship are attending but it is being put on by a church we interact with.  They are a bit more....well, let's just say they are more than Mom is used to.  I imagine she is expecting a nice lunch, some singing, and maybe a flower or something.  There will be all that, but there will also be two speakers.  I know them both and they will speak of salvation somewhere in their talks.  I hope Mom listens and really hears.

Mothers' Day?  Not so excited.  With things as they are with my son and his family I will be surprised if I even hear from him.  Last year I never saw my daughter until late at night.  My husband is not very good at "events."  He is the kind of guy who is out doing his Christmas shopping an hour before the stores close on Christmas Eve.  Lesser holidays, birthdays, and the like tend to slip right off his radar.

Got word from the friend I was planning to meet up with for Toby Keith's Cleveland concert this summer that it's not looking good for her to be able to go.  It isn't definite yet, so there's still hope.  I am feeling disappointed, but I'm putting on my brave face and being supportive for her.  She is experiencing the "joy" of a grown child doing something stupid and having to bail him out financially.  Not only have most of us been in her shoes...we've probably also been in the kid's shoes, too.  So, I'm praying it all works out, but if it doesn't then I guess it'll be the cheap seats in Pittsburgh for me.

Well, even my daughter is up, dressed and out the door to do another round of job applications.  That's a sign I'm being a total slug still sitting here in my pj's and as I look around me I realize if I don't do those dirty dishes and run the vacuum it's all still going to be here when I get home tonight.  There will just be even more of it.  I hate coming home to face that so time to get busy.  I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful weekend and Mothers' Day!


enthusiastically, dawn said...

Phew. I need a nap after those fragments, Stacy- I am exhausted...well I will just sit here and drink some coffee with you for a bit then! Glad you have a day off! Whoohoo...and enjoy every second. I will pray your mom "hears" the message- God knows - just enjoy your Mothers Day and rest in Him! In His Grace, Dawn

Wendy S. said...

Sometimes we have to honor ourselves when the kids don't really get how important Mother's day is to us, so sleeping in, enjoying your beautiful shady nook, is a perfect little way to find happiness, even though it's not the same as your kids celebrating mother's day. Keep on doing the little things for yourself and you might get a surprise...or not, but in either case you absolutely deserve a day of being sleepy and wanting to doze here and there, Stacy :)

Beth Zimmerman said...

Praying you have a Mother's Day miracle but even if you don't ... remember you are NOT alone!

As for Toby ... maybe he'll come to one of the Tulsa casinos and you can fly down and I'll ... drive you to the door and wait in the car! LOL!

Love you, my friend!

Ellen aka Ellie said...

My niece bought me a gift, and I'm wondering if I'll hear from Mac. Probably a facebook hi, since we're going to see him "walk" later in the week...

Glad you had a day off!

May God grad your mama by the shoulders and shake her awake!!!!!!

Keetha Broyles said...

I like that shady nook idea.

Stacy said...

Dawn...You make me smile. :) Thank you for the prayers.

Wendy...Absolutely! I plan to enjoy the day no matter what.

Beth...Thank you and I know you're right. It breaks my heart how many friends I have whose children don't honor them (and I'm talking every day not just Mothers' or Fathers' Day). If I fly all the way to Tulsa to see Toby...I'm dragging you in with me!

Ellen...That is so sweet that your niece got you something. And Mac? Understandable.

Keetha...Thank you. I need a lot more plants around mine to even be close to what my grandmother's was like, but it'll get there some day.


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